Heroes and Villans invade the shop
I posted this so many other places I forgot to actually post it here! Oops! The Heroes and Villains series Androids are now available in the Dead Zebra Shop along with two new t-shirts and sticker packs! We have a few sets left, but sadly the O-No Sashimi Bluefin edition is sold out.
Android Mini Collectible Summer special editions
Toy and Android fans might want to head over to the Dyzplastic Production Blog for info!
Still in mid-move madness, but I should have a desk by Friday maybe! More art and updates to follow?
Android Series 02 Preview (pt5)
Android Series 02 preview wraps up the regular editions over on the Dyzplastic blog with propeller spinning action and an icy friend. Oh and some release information…
Android Series 02 Preview (pt3)
Android Series 02 Preview (pt2)
Android Series 02 Preview (pt1)
Posted up a little Android Series 02 preview over on the Dyzplastic blog for those of you who are interested!
Decked Out BIC Buddy
Mini Munny for the children
My girl Nichole is turning the big 3-0. Most people would demand presents to celebrate, but instead she is doing the opposite and putting together a charity auction of custom Mini-Munnys from a bunch of artists that she is friends with.
I did this quick little guy for the auction which will be online next week, … Continue reading