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In 13″x20″ refinished vintage frame.

Summer means Cyclone! Nathans Hot Dogs! Barfing! Nothing beats getting tossed around a rusty bucket at 50mph on a track that is held together primarily by spray paint, old gum and seagull droppings.Just a quick update on what I’ve been up to lately and what’s coming up!I’ll be at MoCCA’s Artsfest again this year with … Continue reading

Still catching up after Chicago! Remaining artwork should be up at Rotofugi by Friday. Most of the original work is gone , however there are still two large paintings and a set of custom ZLIKS left. Fortunately there are a few editioned pieces including a framed giclee print, a rock style screenprinted poster, a t-shirt … Continue reading

This is part 2 of the work in progress of Milo and Ditch, part 1 is here!

I moved over to Illustrator to mock up some of the more detailed areas. I did some research on incredibly colorful poison dart frogs to help inspire a back design for Ditch.

Getting to actual work, a “mouth” was … Continue reading

Project Glop-BX5 – Classified Document
Incident Report 10.11 : Shipment MPH13

Upon arrival at project site, manifest check discrepancy was noted. Crate #1027 unaccounted for. Search of immediate area unfruitful. Item is highly radioactive and should be handled as class 3 waste. USE GREAT CAUTION WHEN HANDLING. RETURN TO LOS ALAMOS NATIONAL LABORATORIES IMMEDIATELY UPON RECOVERY.

Last seen … Continue reading


Tomorrow from 6-8pm I’ll be at Kidrobot NY along with Tara McPherson and the Sucklord for the Dunny 2012 release party! Every purchase qualifies you to enter a raffle with a chance to win some goodies including with this custom 3″ Dunny from me!


More info here! See some of you tomorrow!

Well I already pretty much missed Channukah, sorry my Jewish friends! Happy upcoming Christmas to my Christish friends, and happy kwanzaa, solstice and yellow snow harvest to the rest of you.This year I’m celebrating in style! Isn’t my sister great? I get free coffee and then she goes and gets me a nice new car! … Continue reading

Got any 10 second (or less) sketches handy? Feel free to share. Here we have evil banana, happy man with big head and thing that just disintegrated his best friend by mistake.