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Vanessa over at Giftable Designs took the “busy bear” artwork I did and converted it into this amazing knit hat / scarf / uhh.. back of the neck warmer thingy!Original art:Magic hat thing:There are a few more pics on her blog post.How great is that? Any knitters out there who would be interested in a … Continue reading

In case you’ve been wondering where I am (you haven’t), I’ve been busy, and will continue to be busy, getting ready for my next solo art show which will be this January in Chicago. Start putting on layers now and by January you should have enough to stay warm in Chicago.Toy photographer extrordinaire Brian McCarty … Continue reading

Comic Con 2007 Originally uploaded by dead zebra, inc.5 hours into setup… need food.

Dinner time @ ComicCon 07 Originally uploaded by dead zebra, inc.What does a dinner reservation for over 50 people look like? Somethinglike this, but clearer.The con madness continues, I have lost feeling in both feet, one hand,and an eyelid. One more day!

The International ComicCon in San Diego is just around the corner! As usual I can usually be found at the Dumbrella booth, #1335 / 1337

Being a nerd is genetic. I come from a pretty hearty stock, and I wouldn’t have it any other way!

Here is a quick glimpse as to where I came from, and two of the greatest nerds I know.

Ma Bell (left) sang and played the guitar on the telly in Gibraltar.

Apparently my dad can read … Continue reading