About 315 results

As Hot Curry! time approaches I am busy consuming energy drinks at a liver-failing rate!

Red Bull is the good ole standby enjoyed copiously by myself and the entire dumbrella team. I even had them sponsor one of my art shows! It is my standard fuel for conventions and art shows. Unfortunately they … Continue reading

I’ve been busy getting some things ready for New York Comic Con and a few other upcoming events! I should have a complete idea of the things that will be available at NYCC by tomorrow.

In the mean time, here is a completely unrelated doodle from my sketchbook!

In case you’ve been wondering where I am (you haven’t), I’ve been busy, and will continue to be busy, getting ready for my next solo art show which will be this January in Chicago. Start putting on layers now and by January you should have enough to stay warm in Chicago.Toy photographer extrordinaire Brian McCarty … Continue reading