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HOT CURRY! Coming soon to a very cold city near you (if you live in Chicago)! Info on my next solo gallery show on the events page… oh and a quickie blog update too. (wii!)

TWO prints now available in the shop! The framed, hand decorated Immediacy of Reincarnation and the sequel to everyone’s favorite Never Look Back!

I will also have a few of these with me this weekend at New York Comic Con, Dumbrella Booth 172!

George has some good coverage of Attack of the ZLIKS over at the Digest! DC snapped a few photos too.

Thanks to everyone for coming out! It was a great time. The show will be on display for another month.

I did today’s Goats Guest Comic!

It’s that time of year again! MoCCA Artsfest fast approaches, and SD ComicCon is not far behind!

Crazy days! Been super busy getting ready for San Diego Comic Con, here is a pdf map of where to find me and the dumbrella pals! 1335/1337

Also been getting ready for ‘progress’ in LA the week after! Thankfully I have an intern now who is helping out a lot!

Many thanks to Chrispian for fixing the site up! Creature navigation and comments should be working again.

Many thanks to Chrispian for fixing the site up! Creature navigation and comments should be working again.

coming this week…