

  • Dumbess!

    Me and the dumb crew will be at MoCCA Artsfest this weekend here in NYC!

  • cruel irony

    Just days after this drawing, my video card blew a capacitor. More art tomorrow when a replacement arrives.

  • See Mike Draw

    This may have made its rounds already but..  rarely do I enjoy a comic enough to bookmark it, however this one is right up my alley humor and art wise. I figured if I enjoy it, a lot of you might enjoy it as well!Click for the site with lots of comicy goodness:

  • My work on the cover of the NY Times*

    * that’s the Times ONLINE, and “my work” is few pixels of a photo of an illustration on a mug for my sister’s cafe.. but whatever.Go Grumpy!Side note: ‘Creatures’ was actually featured in the print edition NY Times a few years back, but now I’ve finally made the ‘front page’ without killing anyone!Yay?

  • New new new!

    The new shop is up with the new book, new shirts and new print and new new! Ni!

  • Creatures on my Floor…

    Welcome to the newest Dead Zebra Inc employee / adoptee, Private Sancho Pants! (demoted from Captain until he decides to spend fewer than 12 hours a day hiding under the bed). He’s about 3 years old and has big ole anime eyes.Hola!

  • still going..

    Sorry for slow updates the last few days, I am hard at work coding a new online shop. It should be ready in a week or so with some goodies!

  • the Giver – Update

    Hello everyone! Been busy finishing up (er.. starting 😉 some custom toys for the Kidrobot NYC store reopening this Thursday and ‘Down the Bunny Hole’ at Rivet in a week.. Photos of those next week!In the meantime I wanted to drop a quick Giver toy update! I had hoped to be shipping .. well.. months … Continue reading

  • NYCC Releases!

    I’ll be at NY ComicCon with some of my friends from Dumbrella at booth #2731! Just wanted to give a heads up on some of the more exciting things I’ll have there: DO NOT EAT a NEW 204 page book with 6 postcards inside! Advance copy sales!MSRP $18, only $15 at the con. 100% … Continue reading

  • NYCC + other events

    I’ll be at NYCC this weekend with some new goodies…

    Also check out everything that is going on this spring/summer on the updated events page!

  • 0.99 Thumbs Up!

    I’m working on some custom toys for upcoming shows. That usually involves some x-acto knives. X-acto knives usually involve some bleeding. This might slow me down a bit…- “A bloody mess!” – Richard Roeper- “Are you going to eat that piece?” – Harry Knowles

  • (C) Murakami

    Went to the preview of the Murakami show at the Brooklyn museum today,good stuff! Wish I had room to paint so big!

  • h-y-p-n-o b-o-o-t-h 3000

    Today I rebuilt the ghetto spray booth setup I have in my studio. It’s basically an artograph spray booth base (consisting of an exhaust fan and 3 layers of filters), attached to a duct which i then attached to a one-way vent going out the window. But I think the best part is the giant … Continue reading

  • The New Ultimate Jesus

    Paul Robertson finally finished his epic pixelly video-game battle insanity movie “Kings of Power 4 Billion %”It is huge, 12 minutes long, and insanely awesome. This guy should be screening in modern art museums.EPILEPSY WARNING. DO NOT WATCH IF YOU ARE PRONE TO SEIZURES.Click the image above for links to the mirrors.


    Later Arthur, have a good trip! I remember really liking Childhood’s End, I’ll have to re-read that one some day.

  • Beef Skewers

    Cloudy is skipping SDCC this year to drive from the UK to Mongolia.. No, seriously. For charity too, maybe you can help!

  • Week Wrap-Up

    It’s been a busy week over for me, so busy I wasn’t really able to post much, so here is a little recap below the cut.Saturday March 1st: Get up at 6am, get to JFK, get on a Virgin America flight to LAX. Nothing special here, but I was a bit excited about my … Continue reading

  • Show Pics

    Check out some photos from the opening over on Vinyl Pulse, or LA Weekly, a few from Gabe! update: some pics via Juxtapoz too!

  • Burning Opening

    Thanks to all who made it to the opening! Some pics of the work here, photos to follow when I return to NYC.

  • Setting up at Gallery 1988

    Setting up at Gallery 1988 Originally uploaded by dead zebra, inc.We’re here in (finally) sunny LA setting up for the opening Tuesday!Good times!

  • One week to go!

    “the crown prince consults”24″x36” , acrylic on canvasHere’s a full-painting preview of a piece from my upcoming show. ONE WEEK TO GO! Whew..Burning Desire opens March 4th, 7-10pm at Gallery1988 LABE THERE or I will get upset and cry in public.

  • Mmmm… Brains…

    Q: What is better than a hot toddy made with a 10 year old Bruichladdich at 1am on a cold winter’s night?A: A hot toddy made with a 15 year old Bruichladdich at 1am on a cold winter’s night in an “i love you more than zombies love brains” cup.