

  • Undead Bricks

    Fraser K of the UK made this fantastic life-size costume version of my LEGO Zombie figure designs for Halloween! It’s a combination of my two originals below and some design elements that I sent to him. I think it turned out great!

  • creatures in spaaaaaace

    Fan / artist Matt Mills did up another one of my creatures in three whole dimensions! He tackled the popular “why are you here?” drawing, check  out the result below and check out his site for a few other little monsters you might recognize.

  • you never call, you never write

    Hello lovely livejournal, sorry I have neglected you recently. I have been busy. Here is a very brief photo retrospective of the last month while I catch up with many many other things…Firstly me and Miss MRS J got all married and stuff, it was pretty awesome… Then I went to a far away land for a few … Continue reading

  • Eat Shirt and Die!

    Threadless Select line releases my “Eat Shirt and Die” t-shirt today! Safety orange! Go get one and show people how much you like to EAT!

  • KRNY

    Some KRNY signing pics are up! See you tomorrow Chi-Town!

  • Back to the dead!

    I am back from my trip just in time for another one!

    This week I’ll be signing KIDROBOT #15 – KIDREAPER at Kidrobot in NY and Chi-town

    Kidrobot NYC – Thursday the 16th from 6-8pm
    Kidrobot CHICAGO – Friday the 17th from 6-8pm

  • reaper update

    Kidrobot posted some new pics of the reaper in their shop section! Due out October 16th, I’ll be doing a signing in NYC and possibly one in their pirate store in Chicago right after!

  • plaing with things

    speaking of toys, Scott over at pvp has a nice new maquette of his Scratch character up for preorder!

  • Kid Reaper

    My new kidrobot figure will be released in about a month! there will be a signing at Kidrobot in NY, and possibly one in their coming-soon pirate shop in Chicago!

  • Haikusday

    Want a free Giver?
    Check out this contest over
    on the Vinyl Pulse!

  • Looks infected, we’re going to have to remove it.

    The Giver of Disease: Gangrene edition should be showing up in shops all around the world shortly! I’ll have a few at the dead zebra shop shortly. Also keep your eyes on Vinyl Pulse next week for your chance to win your very own Giver.

  • Giver of Disease

    the green Giver of Disease should be showing up in shops and online this week, looks like vinylfallout.com even has a special on all things me!


    Sorry it has been a while, my tweets have satisfied a lot of my blogging desires, also I am busy/lazy.

    This last week I finally picked up my sample Jeremiah the Innocent vinyl figures from Jeff at ATARMS. It was nice to be able to be a part of the project.

    A while back I had … Continue reading

  • SDCC08 Goodies Roundup!

    This Tuesday (07/22) I am off the International Comic-Con in San Diego through the end of the week! Come say hello to me at booth #1335 & 1337. I will be there daily along with Dumbrella friends Jon Rosenberg of Goats, Rich Stevens of Diesel Sweeties, and Sam Brown of … Continue reading

  • San Diego Goodies

    I just uploaded a bunch of pics of items I’ll have at SDCC to my Flickr. I’ll write up a blog post with prices and more info tomorrow!

  • Comic Con 08

    The International ComicCon in San Diego is just around the corner! As usual I can usually be found at the Dumbrella booth, #1335 / 1337


    A lot has changed in the fragrant neighborhood of Greenpoint, Brooklyn since I moved here 10 years ago. Rents aside, the northerly migration of the great-white-tight-pants hipster has resulted in some good new bars and shops that would have been unheard of a few years ago.Two weeks ago a new graff supply shop called Alphabeta … Continue reading

  • pinheads

    Some new pins (buttons/badges/whatever you want to call them) for SDCC

  • twits

    Guess who finally gave in and joined Twitter? Probably just in time for it to become obsolete!

  • Creatures on my Head…

    Vanessa over at Giftable Designs took the “busy bear” artwork I did and converted it into this amazing knit hat / scarf / uhh.. back of the neck warmer thingy!Original art:Magic hat thing:There are a few more pics on her blog post.How great is that? Any knitters out there who would be interested in a … Continue reading