

  • ..- (dot dot dash)

    Don’t ask me to explain the title, but the new art toy book Dot Dot Dash is now available! This book is brought to you from some of the same people who put out the Pictoplasma books, so you know it is quality! This huge hardcover features almost 300 pages filled with literally thousands of … Continue reading

  • dot dot dash

    The new book Dot Dot Dash: designer toys, action figures and character art is out now, see el bloggo for details!

  • groobadvertise

    In case you’ve been wondering where I am (you haven’t), I’ve been busy, and will continue to be busy, getting ready for my next solo art show which will be this January in Chicago. Start putting on layers now and by January you should have enough to stay warm in Chicago.Toy photographer extrordinaire Brian McCarty … Continue reading

  • Project Wonderful!

    My friend Ryan has created a new kind of advertising system which I am trying out to help pay the bills!

    Basically, anyone can bid on ads on this site, the highest bids get their ad shown. You can have ads shown for as little as free, or for as much as you are willing to … Continue reading

  • the partial baby blues

    Some days I really appreciate the general absurdity of my life.. be it filling my apartment to the brim insane blood-splattered worm-like creatures, or hailing a dirty super stretch limo driven by a former crack addict at 2am or, as was the case today, gleefully dismembering a baby doll for a pregnant friend’s halloween … Continue reading

  • old wood

    Almost forgot to mention that there are some great pics from the ‘Its All Wood’ opening up on Juxtapoz!

  • ZLIKS Roundup

    – Jeff has chronicled our end-of-night hijinks over on Overcompensating. Yes, this actually happened.
    – Vinyl Abuse has a quick writeup and some photos..
    – As does Life in a Bungalo Digest.

  • ZLIKS!

    Thanks to everyone who made it to the party, I hope you had a good time!For those of you unable to attend they are up at the shop!

  • ZLIKS gone wild

    Well since it’s pretty much Zliks week on the site I thought I’d share some of  the great photos that friends / fans have been taking. I’ve been too busy to update the official site, so until then here are a few of my favorites..ice ZLIKS in the freezer by OpheliaNatual ZLIKS in their.. natual … Continue reading

  • Eh. Not much on my mind lately.

    Bad news: I killed about 30 copies of a new print I am working on by being stupid and not noticing a problem.

    Good news: That “One Man Army” shirt is done and for sale!

    More Good news: Party still on for this Friday in NYC! I hope it doesn’t turn into an insane mob scene! … Continue reading

  • psychoparty

    It’s Psycho ZLIKS week leading up to the release of the Dead Zebra Edition Psycho ZLIKS here in NYC this Friday the 13th!

    Someone will be winning this drawing, and maybe a few other goodies!

  • Woodies

    It’s All Wood group show now viewable online at renowned gallery!

  • 38

    Here is some random old art from my desktop that I never got around to using.. click for the full-on giant pixelly sized goodness and do with it as you will!

    In completely unrelated news, I will soon be joined in my NYC compound by none other than ‘ the Englishman’. The local crime and teen … Continue reading

  • ZLIKS Release Party @ Madame X

    It’s on now! You have one month to tell everyone you know, everyone you’ve ever known, and everyone you hope to meet in the future to join you at the Dead Zebra, Inc ZLIKS release party, a.k.a. an excuse to party party. It should be a pretty chill evening at the lovely plush upstairs at  … Continue reading

  • Paint the Town

    Kidrobot’s ‘the Paint Ball’ is on tonight! See you there. 281 Lafayette, 8-11pm.

  • the Paint Ball

    This Thursday, Sept 7th, Kidrobot will be hosting a huge art show and benefit party for Save the Children’s Global Education Initiative. I was fortunate enough to be able to lend a hand by creating one of the custom toy pieces that will be auctioned on eBay. Bidding starts on Thursday, auction link and party … Continue reading

  • Paint by Numbers

    Let’s play Help me Pick a color/artwork combination! I already know what I’m leaning towards, but I’d like to get some input… Click for the full image:

    * poll closed! *

    In other news, ZLIKS prints are now on sale at the Dead Zebra Shop! Limited to 100, only about 50 of which are available online.

    Overheard … Continue reading

  • Find Waldo…

    Ever wonder what 110  330 ZLIKS in a small NYC apartment look like? Something like this…Looks like I’m going to be pretty busy for the next few days.

  • 27

    Jager posted up a nice review of the ZLIKS over at millionaireplayboy.com along with some great photos.. i won’t ruin the best one, see for yourself! I should have some more ZLIKS, along with the new ZLIKS print and possibly a t-shirt pre-order or two up on deadzebra by the end of the week. If … Continue reading

  • LEGO Zombies (better pics)

    These guys are for a show out in San Diego during ComiCon.

    19″ Tall customized LEGO figure for “Back in the Day” retro-toy inspired art show in San Diego.

    Portrait of the artist and his Zombie friends.. followed by a portrait taken about two minutes after the first one.
    I’ll be up at DUMBRELLA HQ in Easthampton, MA … Continue reading