

  • art

    I drew this in the corner of my sketchbook last night…it pretty much sums up my work and my process.

  • Attn: Monster Makers

    I’m a judge (along with Chi-town’s finest) of a little contest over at Vinyl Abuse called ‘Creating Species’. Make a mons-tar, win a bunch of stuff!

  • In some countries I’m legal age!

    Happy Birthday to TCIMH!

    Thanks to every single person who has visited the site, shared it with friends, and especially to those who have supported me directly through t-shirt, book and toy and art purchases at the shop and at my shows! I (quite literally) could not do it without you!

  • 5 Years of Creatures

    Can you believe it? The 21st marks 5 years of the Creatures in my Head project. I’d like to take a quick opportunity to say a huge ‘Thank You!’ to everyone who has supported me and allowed me to pursue my dreams of being an independent artist… Thank You!

  • Pants Maze

    Just a quick movie note while I wait for some ink to dry… I saw Pan’s Labyrinth on Monday. This is some really good stuff. Very dark and quite gruesome, but in a way that is so much better than all the hack and slash crap ‘horror’ films that they keep putting out these days. … Continue reading

  • masala sale

    The rotofugi crew has gotten the entire(!) Hot Curry show up online for your perusal! The show t-shirts and hoodies are now available!

  • pulse

    Vinyl Pulse has a little piece on the show. Thanks!
    p.s. did you know Zliks were voted #2 on a list of the top 10 toys of 2006? Now you do!

  • Shelf of confusion and despair

    Still catching up after Chicago! Remaining artwork should be up at Rotofugi by Friday. Most of the original work is gone , however there are still two large paintings and a set of custom ZLIKS left. Fortunately there are a few editioned pieces including a framed giclee print, a rock style screenprinted poster, a t-shirt … Continue reading

  • yarr tis true

    Don’t worry, we’ll be back to regular ole creatures soon! Just taking a few days to recover from the show madness. The remaining few pieces (including this giclee edition) will be available online before Friday.

    Did I mention I’m about three weeks behind on emails?… I’m about three weeks behind on emails.

  • Ketchup!

    Hello everyone! I am back from Chicago and trying to catch up with life and work. Thanks so much to all the people who made it out, it was a great night!

    Here are some of my pics from the show, and a few from Ophelia and a couple from agitprop.

    The remaining available bits and pieces … Continue reading

  • Cokin Hot Curry

    Cokin Hot Curry Originally uploaded by dead zebra, inc.Busy setting up the show at Rotofugi! See you tomorrow!

  • chitown

    I’m off to Chicago for Hot Curry! Hope to see some of you there!

  • Happy New Stuff!

    Happy 2007 everyone! Things are already on the right track for a good year.

    – I’ll be kicking off Hot Curry! in Chicago this Friday!

    – Diesel Sweeties starts in select city newspapers this week!

    – Megagamerz returns to goats for a few days.

    – And in perhaps the best (or worst) news ever, someone met my … Continue reading

  • Hot Tease!

    OK so that wasn’t really my car in the last post. Still it was nice to sit in it for a while, thanks E!Here are some teaser images from my upcoming solo show entitled ‘Hot Curry!’. 80% of the work is on it’s way, everyone pray to the gods of UPS that it arrives in … Continue reading

  • Hot Hot!

    Hot Curry! opens in a few short days! It’s not too late to book a flight to Chicago!

  • merry holidays

    Well I already pretty much missed Channukah, sorry my Jewish friends! Happy upcoming Christmas to my Christish friends, and happy kwanzaa, solstice and yellow snow harvest to the rest of you.This year I’m celebrating in style! Isn’t my sister great? I get free coffee and then she goes and gets me a nice new car! … Continue reading

  • clutteriffic

    Check out the new issue of Clutter magazine (09) which features a two page interview with me!
    Also thanks to Animation Mentor for featuring Now You’ve Done It in their latest newsletter.

  • energy drink roundup!

    As Hot Curry! time approaches I am busy consuming energy drinks at a liver-failing rate!

    Red Bull is the good ole standby enjoyed copiously by myself and the entire dumbrella team. I even had them sponsor one of my art shows! It is my standard fuel for conventions and art shows. Unfortunately they … Continue reading

  • holiday orders

    maybe a little late to mention this, but today (aka the next 6-10 hours) is the last day for US residents to order stuff from the shop and have a reasonable chance of it getting delivered in time for x-mas.

  • interwebs

    sorry i’ve been having some email problems for the last 4 days or so, if you’ve been trying to reach me and got an error, please give it another shot.

  • Beardy McBeardlington Lives

    Hello all, been busy over here at Dead Zebra HQ getting ready for my solo art show @ Rotofugi in Chicago this January. I’ve been spending most of my time knitting wool underpants, but I occasionally find time to paint and draw. Here’s a quick pic of me near one of the larger pieces in … Continue reading

  • black fingers

    Do you use newspapers for anything other than cat litter? Even if you don’t, why not help my friend Rich get his work into as many of them as possible. It’s (almost) better than Cathy!


    A few important things today! First up, the reason I haven’t answered e-mail in about two weeks:

    Click the giant pic for more information on my next solo art show! It’s coming up sooner than I’d like.. busy busy!

    Speaking of toy books (as I was in the last post), I forgot to mention that I am … Continue reading

  • i am spicy!

    HOT CURRY! Coming soon to a very cold city near you (if you live in Chicago)! Info on my next solo gallery show on the events page… oh and a quickie blog update too. (wii!)