Three Strikes (Part 2/3)

(Part 1 can be found here)

Work continued on the heart accessory as eyes and valves were sculpted out of resin directly onto the piece. Once set up and sanded down it was hit with a coat of primer, followed by a base coat of red. A darker red was lightly sprayed below the “mouth”.

The heart will be sitting on a soft pink sateen interior so I put the material and sculpt inside the body just to see how it would look.

The arms and body were then primed and coated with a medium-light grey spray paint base.

Now I had to do something about that gaping neck hole! How about some squirting blood arcs? This is something I’ve done before on a smaller scale and I love how it looks. Transparent red acrylic rods were cut to varying lengths.

One end of each rod was sanded down and then polished with several grades of plastic polish to give a nice smooth and round tip.

The finished rods were then heated until pliable using a heat gun for the thin rods and the oven for the thicker ones (I wouldn’t recommend doing this at home). While hot, they were bent into shape and allowed to cool.

(sorry, i was too busy wearing gloves and trying not to burn myself to get a photo of that part)

Tune in tomorrow for more!